Variation gallery images

Gallery images for each product variation.


Check the video for detailed instructions:

How to create variation gallery images for your product:

Step 1: From the Dashboard, go to Product > All Products

Step 2: Choose the product you want to add variation gallery images

Step 3: Choose a variation you want to add gallery images > Click Expand > Scoll down and click to add images in the variation gallery

Step 4: You can choose Upload files or pick images from your Media Library > Click Add to gallery

Step 5: Save changes and click Update to display your variation gallery on the product page

Here are the detailed guideline for you to follow to create variation gallery images for your product

Step 1: From the Dashboard, go to Product > All Products

Step 2: Choose the product you want to add variation gallery images

Step 3: Choose a variation you want to add gallery images > Click Expand > Scoll down and click to add images in the variation gallery

Step 4: You can choose Upload files or pick images from your Media Library > Click Add to gallery

You can go to Edit Gallery, Drag and drop to reorder photo gallery

Step 5: Save changes and click Update to display your variation gallery on the product page

Last updated